Google Ads Marketing is a type of digital advertising that involves creating and running ads on the Google search engine and its affiliated platforms, such as YouTube, Google Maps, and Google Display Network. It is a form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad.
what services do we offer?
- ⚫Keywords Research
⚫Ad Copy Development
⚫Bid Setup
⚫Remarketing Tags
⚫Landing Pages Recommendations
⚫competitor Analysis
⚫Geo Targeting Setup
⚫Search Ads
⚫Display Ads
⚫Gmail Ads
⚫Video Ads
⚫Shopping Ads
⚫App Promotion Ads
⚫Remarketing List
⚫Daily Monitoring
⚫CPC Reduction Optimization
⚫Weekly/Monthly Reports
⚫Landing Page Optimization
⚫Google Analytics Integration
⚫Conversion Tracking
⚫Keyword Refinements
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